Product Details

Universal Soft Grey Putty CSX-01.066

Multifunctional two-component polyester putty combining the excellent spreadability, compactness and easy to sand. Specially formulated to achieve the highest finish levels on steel, zinc coated and aluminium surfaces as well as polyester laminates. It may be applied in both thin and thick layers.

Multifunctional two-component polyester putty combining the excellent spreadability, compactness and easy to sand. Specially formulated to achieve the highest finish levels on steel, zinc coated and aluminium surfaces as well as polyester laminates. It may be applied in both thin and thick layers.

VOC 2004/42/IIB(b)(250) max. 250 g/l

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Packing Information:

Container and Item Pcs per Box Boxes per Pallet Pcs per Pallet Pcs per layer Layers per pallet BPO
Putty 1.6 kg 10 40 400 50 8 40 g